90 Day ‘Get Yoked’ Program

“Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness? “

2 Corinthians 6:14

Did you know that a Belgium Draft Horse is the strongest horse in the world? It is said that a full-grown male can pull up to 4,000lbs. Now, if I were to ask you how much you think two Belgium Draft horses can pull when yoked together you would probably say, 8,000lbs right? Wrong! Two equally yoked Belgium Draft horses can pull up to 16,000lbs, that of 4 full-grown males! Let’s say you take those same horses and place them together in the same habitat, let them live around each other and get to know one another. How much now do you think they can pull when yoked together? 35,000lbs! 8x as much as a single horse. Finally, say you take two brothers who were born and raised together and yoked them with one another. They will pull upwards of 50,000lbs! More than 12x a single Belgium Draft horse.

This same principle is true for the life of Christian man. Becoming properly and equally yoked is a crucial component in our growth as a man and the relationships we cultivate.

I always noticed that every time I meet a man of God, another Catholic or Christian man who is truly living out his vocation I instinctively call him ‘brother.’ Why? Because I know, that like me, he chooses daily to deny himself, to pick up his cross; his yoke and to carry it. It is from those shared values, principles and actions that an unwritten bond is formed.

This is the meaning behind this program. Not only to help transform you in 90 days, but to bring you into a brotherhood of men around the world who walk together shoulder to shoulder, prepared and ready to answer the call to “pull the heavy weight.”

Mentorship Details

This mentorship will take an in-depth look into your daily life as a man. It will have a strong emphasis on disciplining the physical as I believe this is the building block that will help carry over into all other areas, be it fitness, family, relationships, lust, porn, excessive pleasures, leading as man or lack of faith. This program will be specifically tailored to each individual’s current struggles and how best to win back his masculinity.

The 12 week program will consist of 6x75 minute video calls as well as extensive support between calls via Trainerize app.

This program is designed to make you into a stronger, more disciplined, capable and virtuous man. To be who God made you to be!

Fill out the application below and we will set up a free 30min video call to ensure you’ll be a good fit and to go over all other detail of the program.

God bless men.